A Channeled Message From Freddie Mercury

By Laura Michelle Powers: Celebrity Psychic, Author, and host of Healing Powers Podcast.

“Hi. I am here to talk about sexual freedom. There are so many of you who are trapped living identities that are not really yours. This is unnecessary. All that matters is love. It doesn’t matter who you love, or how often, or what you wear. So often people change who they feel they should be based on how they think people will react. Most often, the fear of what people will say or do is much worse than the reality. Fear is the devil, literally.

Face the fear and be straightforward. If people cannot accept you for who you are then they are not loving people and you don’t need that kind of energy in your life. This problem gets compounded when most people are living their life based on how they think others will react. This means that there is a whole generation that is doing something other than what they want even when their peers want the same thing they do but are also pretending. There are too many people pretending to be something they are not. This is ugly and dark.

Be bold, be beautiful. Show the world who you are and love truly and deeply. When more people do this, the fear in the world about sex will dissolve. Because really the fear about this has nothing to do with sex but about societal norms and control. Break free and help others, do the same. Live, love, and spread light and truth. Oh, and sing your heart out.”

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A Channeled Message From Marilyn Monroe

By Laura Michelle Powers: Celebrity Psychic, Author, and host of Healing Powers Podcast.

Hello everyone, I know a lot of people in this book have been sharing positive messages and I do want to be positive but also share that it’s alright to be sad. We have labeled emotions like sadness as bad when really its just our soul processing something. I had a lot of sadness in my life. I experienced a lot of disappointment. There was a lot of joy too but I realized during my life how unacceptable people found it to be sad or dissatisfied, especially if you are a woman. People just wanted you to smile, look pretty, and make them feel good. I became very good at that but inside I felt hollow. What is the point in making other people feel good if you don’t feel good yourself? I want everyone reading this to make sure they are taking care of themselves first. It is good to take care of others, but not if it’s at the expense of yourself. If you don’t take care of yourself, you don’t have true love to give others anyway. I gave, and gave, and gave until I was starving myself. I guess I always thought that if I gave to others, they would give back to me but it didn’t always turn out that way. If you are giving to people, make sure they are giving back. I had a lot of takers in my life but I was taught when I was young that I wasn’t worth much so I didn’t think to ask for more. Ask for more. You can have it. I am not talking about money, power, and material things, but about love, and positive energy. You can have all of it really but if you don’t have love, what does it matter anyway? True love starts with yourself. If you are loving to yourself, everything else will come to you anyway.

If you are struggling, it probably means that you aren’t loving yourself enough in some way. I know this can be hard to do when society tells you, you aren’t worth it but you are. I am sending you love and I want you to know you are valuable and worthwhile. Anyone who doesn’t show you that they care about you, doesn’t deserve you. By the way, words are pretty meaningless in this area. It is so easy to say I love you but it’s showing you that they love you that is the most important thing. If someone says they love you but they don’t act like they do, believe their actions. Too often, I got caught up in hollow words and was left empty-handed in the love department. But that’s okay, I learned a lot. When you are sad, it usually means you are learning something but it’s not for nothing. It also means that you will do better next time. And there is always a next time. Sending love to you and just another reminder to take care of yourself. You deserve it. Hugs