A Message from Hestia, Goddess of Hearth and Home

By Laura Michelle Powers: Celebrity Psychic, Author, and host of Healing Powers Podcast

This is a message I channeled for my forthcoming book on Greek gods and goddesses. Hestia is the goddess of hearth and home, and she is very active right now helping others create a home with just the right energy for their soul and spirit. I hope you find it helpful!

“Though most people no longer have a fireplace or hearth at home, it’s important to tend to both your own and your home’s internal fire.

For people, internal fire means taking care of yourself and your energy. If you burn the candle at both ends, you will be depleted and quickly burn out. You need to to take time to rest and rejuvenate. If you feel the need to push yourself, it’s likely that you need recharging or replenishing. This could mean sleep or rest, or it could mean a larger tending to your own internal fire like a holiday, sabattical, retreat, or spiritual pilgrimage. If you do not tend to your own internal fire and passions, your fire will burn out and you will not be productive anyway. Society now tells you to push and go all the time but when we rest and tend to our inner needs, desires, and care, everything goes much better for us and those we love as well. When we are better, we can take care of others better as well.

To care of your home’s energetic fire, keep it warm and welcoming. Keep it clear of clutter and make sure that anything you keep or store is maintained and organized. Pay particular attention to your entryway and the gathering places in the communal spaces.

If you have a television, you can play a fire video or light a candle to channel my energy and ask for help. Simply call on me and set intentions for recharging both you and your energy. I can also help with rekindling your passion in love and drive.

Though you may not use physical fire much in modern society, your energetic fire remains important. Take care of yourself and your home and watch your life and world improve in leaps and bounds!”