A Channeled Message From Freddie Mercury

By Laura Michelle Powers: Celebrity Psychic, Author, and host of Healing Powers Podcast.

“Hi. I am here to talk about sexual freedom. There are so many of you who are trapped living identities that are not really yours. This is unnecessary. All that matters is love. It doesn’t matter who you love, or how often, or what you wear. So often people change who they feel they should be based on how they think people will react. Most often, the fear of what people will say or do is much worse than the reality. Fear is the devil, literally.

Face the fear and be straightforward. If people cannot accept you for who you are then they are not loving people and you don’t need that kind of energy in your life. This problem gets compounded when most people are living their life based on how they think others will react. This means that there is a whole generation that is doing something other than what they want even when their peers want the same thing they do but are also pretending. There are too many people pretending to be something they are not. This is ugly and dark.

Be bold, be beautiful. Show the world who you are and love truly and deeply. When more people do this, the fear in the world about sex will dissolve. Because really the fear about this has nothing to do with sex but about societal norms and control. Break free and help others, do the same. Live, love, and spread light and truth. Oh, and sing your heart out.”

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A Channeled Message From Amy Winehouse

This post is excerpted from a book featuring celebrity channeled messages that will be released sometime in 2019. So stay tuned for updates on the release!

You can watch Laura’s video channeled message of Amy Winehouse here!

By Laura Michelle Powers: Celebrity Psychic, Author, and host of Healing Powers Podcast.

Hello, I am here, still alive and kicking on the other side in my own way. I am writing a lot of music here (yes we do that over here too). I am looking for music partners right now (this could mean you!) as I need people who are incarnated with to create music in the world.

I had a hard time at the end of my life, I am still processing a lot of the grief and lessons that I was learning. Many of you are holding a lot of foreign energy in your body, especially in your hearts, I know I did. When you breathe deeply, it helps to release that old energy. Simply making sure you are breathing deeply can help you so much.

Music heals the world and many teacher and healer souls are working through music to help others and change the world. Music raises people up. That is one of the things I most wanted to do was to help people rise up. One of my biggest regrets is that because of the pain that I was in and the lessons I was learning, that I exposed people to that. I only wanted to ever bring people up.

Another of my regrets is that I leaned on drugs and alcohol when things got painful. Many of the painful feelings were leading me to important lessons and instead of learning the lessons, I numbed out and then the lessons got bigger and harder. That is what happens when you drink or do drugs to numb and forget, the problems get bigger and then you have another problem too. If you can look at whatever you are upset about and what is bringing you to drink, then that is way more powerful than numbing yourself. It is a human thing to do to numb the pain, but it's so much smarter to ask why the pain is there and then work on healing or fixing it. By facing your problems, you may feel short-term pain more intensely but then long term, you will feel better. It would be like having an infection and just taking painkiller without healing the infection. That is how many people are living their lives.

There are many of you right now who are so powerful and are afraid of your own light, power,  and voice. Because of this fear, you are numbing out and shutting down. When you are doing this you are also avoiding your soul’s calling. This leads to a soul-level depression. You might think of it like being unemployed on a soul level because you are not working on what you came here to work on as a soul. This can lead to a feeling of malaise or depression. Have you checked all the boxes and are living a “good life” and feel like you should be happy but you aren’t? A lot of times this is because you are not doing what you came here to do. Your soul came here for a purpose and when you don’t do it you are blocking your progress and the world’s. If you feel like you should be happier than you are, it is probably because you are focused in the wrong area. Maybe you are achieving not in the area that your soul would like to achieve in.

It is also so important to have fun and joy. What is life for in not to enjoy? Allow yourself play time. When we play, a lot of times, not only are we enjoying but we may have realizations that will make our lives easier and better as well.

I love you. I know that seems strange to hear that from me. I felt so much love in my life and it was really hard for me to accept it. I didn’t understand it because I didn’t feel loveable or worthy. I am sending all that love back to you. It meant so much to me to receive the love I felt from all of you. One of my biggest challenges is that I didn’t feel like I was worthy of love. As I got more famous and successful, I just couldn’t handle the amount of love that was coming to me. I am still learning and trying to understand that I am worthy and loveable. You are loveable and amazing!  If you are around people who don’t love you, who withhold from you, or tell you that you are not good enough, let those people go. Even if you don’t have new people in your life, asking your angels and spirit guides to help bring into your life who do love and appreciate you.

I am sending you love right now. You are amazing and I can’t wait to see what you do and create.

PS I am here for you. You can call on me, I am not kidding. If you are struggling with addiction, if you are trying to do music, or be creative, I can help. I am looking for partners to work with me from the other side.

Step into your power, find your voice, and know that you are amazing!