The History of Tapping (EFT)

By Laura Michelle Powers: Celebrity Psychic, Author, and host of Healing Powers Podcast

What is tapping?

This is also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), an alternative treatment technique that has been proven to resolve issues like stress, anxiety, phobias, emotional disorders, chronic pain, weight control, limiting beliefs, etc.

Also called psychological acupressure, which is based on the mix of acupressure and modern psychology. This consists of tapping with your fingertips on specific meridian points and by doing this, it balances the nervous system and restores the body's balance and energy.

History of Tapping

The origins of tapping was from ancient Chinese medicine with the development of acupuncture, a well-known healing technique that uses needles on the energy pathways. EFT was founded by Dr Roger Callahan in 1979. Dr. Callahan learned Applied Kinesiology and studied the meridian system of acupuncture in search of solutions to some of the problems his patients encountered, particularly those with anxiety and phobias. He took the next step to bring the tapping procedures into a different form of psychological treatment. Callahan had discovered that if a person focuses on a specific fear at the time they tap; this fear can be reduced or eliminated.

After Dr. Callahan studied the meridian system, it was an unexpected development which led to the discovery that foreshadowed the later development of EFT.

Uses of tapping:

  • Reduce stress

  • Relieves anxiety

  • Reduce headache frequency and intensity

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  • Weight loss

Learn the Tapping Points

There are eight major tapping points and one on your hand known as the karate chop (9 in total) which can be seen below. Remember to tap lightly, but firmly. Applying force to tapping is not necessary. If for some reason you can’t tap a specific point due to pain or injury, you can skip that particular point.

Tapping Points

Karate Chop Point: (KC)

This is mainly used for EFT setup and it’s located on the soft part of the hand between the little finger and the wrist.

Eyebrow Point (EB)

At the beginning of the eyebrows and closest to the bridge of the nose.

Side of Eye (SE)

On the bone directly near the outside corner of the eye.

Under Eye (UE)

Located on the bone directly underneath the eye.

Under Nose (UN)

Above the upper lip, the small area between the bottom of your nose.

Chin Point (CP)

Below your bottom lip and above the chin.

Collarbone Point (CB)

Located at the starting from where your collar bones meet in the center, the place where the sternum or breastbone.

Under Arm (UA)

On your side, about four inches down from your armpit.

Top of Head (TH)

Directly on top of your head.

When and how often should I tap?

There’s no rule when and how, you may tap as frequently as you like or any time you want. You may also do it when you are at any level of emotional intensity.


Though tapping may help people feel better, it is also recommended to ask professional help for physical pain or emotional issues.


Beth Tuttle - EFT Tapping Points

Healthline - What Is EFT Tapping? 5-Step Technique for Anxiety Relief

Jack Canfield - Tapping Therapy: Eliminate Fear, Anxiety & Achieve Your Goals

Medical News Today - What is EFT tapping? Evidence and how-to guide

The Tapping Solution - What is Tapping and How Does it Work?

Verywell Health - Learn the Benefits and Uses of EFT Tapping