Leveling Up, Rebirth, and Releasing with Ashley Jackson

Wellness expert Ashley Jackson hosts of "Wake Up or Die," the podcast that explores the process of waking up consciously, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. She joins Laura to talk about how and why she started her podcast and how people can experience spiritual death and rebirth.

Each episode of "Wake Up or Die" offers insights, inspiration, and tangible direction to help you navigate the challenges and rewards of the waking up process. You can find the podcast on all your favorite podcast platforms!

For more information about Laura and her work, you can go to her website www.healingpowers.net or find her on Twitter @thatlaurapowers, on Facebook at @realhealingpowers and @mllelaura, and on Instagram and TikTok @laurapowers44.

Laura will be starting a new 6-month psychic training course on July 7! In this 6-month course, participants will gain incredible insights and tools to use their own intuition and psychic abilities for themselves and others. The training program will consist of 2 psychic training calls a month, 1-2 monthly group coaching calls, course materials, audio, and video call recordings, and a private Facebook and online community with the rest of the course participants. Learn more and register at https://www.healingpowers.net/training