Healing Your Soul After Divorce and Life Changes with Justin Lodge

Divorce can take a heavy toll on your soul and sanity, and Justin Lodge's new book "I'm F***ing Done" is full of advice to help you emerge from a separation healthfully.

Justin is passionate about awakening people and helping them to harness their anger to find their inner peace. He is a Spiral Practitioner and his mission is to breathe the Welsh dragon-fire of transformation through the hearts of a million people to start them on their journey to inner peace, the ripple effect of which changes the future timeline for generations.

Visit Justin at https://www.justinlodge.info/home

His books can be found on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Justin-Lodge/e/B08N2YWRQQ

Laura continues to offer past life readings that can help you clear and release patterns, examine karmic relationships, and much more! Go to https://www.healingpowers.net/services to sign up for your reading session.

For more information about Laura and her work, you can go to her website www.healingpowers.net or find her on Twitter @thatlaurapowers, on Facebook at @realhealingpowers and @mllelaura, and on Instagram and TikTok @laurapowers44.