Shifting Your Thoughts to Self-Powerment with Faye Mandell

Dr. Faye Mandell is the founder of Being Present Inc. which specializes in awareness training for high performing individuals by leveraging her Self-Powerment model.

You can find the teachings and applicability of the Self-Powerment Model in my book: The GPS to Self-Powerment.

Utilizing the Self-Powerment Model we tap into the human potential by effectively removing performance barriers. We do this by bringing learned patterns of behavior to awareness. These learned patterns often prevent effective communication and optimal performance.

Learn more about Faye and her book at

Follow Laura on the Insight Timer app for access to free meditations, and watch for new courses that she will be releasing.

For the month of February Laura is giving away her Angels and Manifesting book to anyone who leaves her a review on Amazon or Goodreads. Email or send a message to laurapowers44 on Instagram to receive your book!

For more information about Laura and her work, you can go to her website or find her on Twitter @thatlaurapowers, on Facebook @realhealingpowers, and on Instagram @laurapowers44.