4 Ways To Attract Positive Energy Into Your Life


Having positivity in your life means being optimistic in your thoughts and actions. It’s also about maintaining a sense of calm and enthusiasm in the things you do every day. When you have a positive perspective, you see things in a different light, and you get to respond to life’s challenges with resiliency.

Aside from that, having positivity helps you stay motivated to achieve your goals. If you want to stay optimistic despite going through hardships and keep attracting good vibes so you can feel energized and inspired, here are some of the things you can do to accomplish just that:

1. Use Energy Crystals

In ancient times, crystals were used as a form of medicine. Like the ones from Crystal Viden and similar shops, crystals are used for meditation, mindfulness, reflection, and energy. You can turn to different crystals to improve your mood and create a pleasant environment in your home or office. For positive energy, you can try the following:

  • Quartz – It may help destroy negative energy so you can be left with positive thoughts.

  • Turquoise – This helps bring feelings of peace and calmness.

  • Onyx – It’s said to absorb negative energies so you won’t feel or sense them.

  • Citrine – This could bring an abundance of happy energy.

There are many ways you can use energy crystals to harness positive energy. You can wear them as bracelets or necklaces. Alternatively, you can display them in your room.

Being surrounded by positive energy is crucial because it might help you succeed in your work and not think about the bad things.

2. Practice Self-Affirmation

Affirmation is a positive statement to help you overcome any negative thoughts. When you practice self-affirmation regularly, you start to believe the statements you say and attract positive energy to your life. According to some studies, when you spend a few minutes thinking about your good attributes before a meeting or any activity, it helps calm your nerves and increase your confidence. Therefore, doing self-affirmation doesn’t only help you attract positivity but also allows you to become more successful in life.

You can also use self-affirmations when you want to:

  • Control negative emotions like frustration and anger

  • Improve your confidence

  • Increase your productivity

  • Overcome bad habits

Experiencing overwhelming stress removes the positive energy in your life. Self-affirmation may help mitigate the effects of stress and replace it with brighter emotions. Aside from that, self-affirmation practices are used to help people manage depression and other mental health conditions.

3. Be Grateful

When you focus on the things you have instead of the things you lack, you’re able to cultivate gratitude. When you’re grateful, you let go of toxic emotions such as jealousy and envy and replace them with optimistic thoughts, which would make you feel lighter and happier.

There are many ways you can cultivate gratitude in your life and attract positivity simultaneously. One of them is to manifest positive energy during the summer solstice. On that day, daylight is longer, and you get to enjoy the sun before it sets in the evening. You can go out in nature and absorb the beauty of your surroundings. You’ll realize that you’re blessed to witness nature’s majesty, and you’ll have more reason to look back on the many good things that have happened in your life.

Another way to practice gratitude is to keep a gratitude journal. Make it a habit to write at least five things you’re grateful for during the day. You can also write down the little things that make you happy and content with your life. When you read your journal on a particularly tough day, you’ll recognize how far you’ve come and how you’ve managed to weather difficult storms because you’re blessed with things that encourage you to look on the positive side.

4. Remove Negative Influences

Anything or anyone that gives you negative vibes can disrupt your sense of well-being and drain your positive energy. There are many different negative influences today: a toxic friend, hurtful words or content on social media, or vices like gambling, alcohol, and smoking.

To induce optimism in your life, it’s essential to avoid those influences so they won’t affect you in any way. Evaluate your life and determine the factors that trigger your negative emotions. See to it that you don’t give them the power to dampen your mood or lower your perception of yourself.

Instead, surround yourself with people and things that give you happiness. Spend time with people who constantly motivate you or listen to you without judgment. It’d also help to develop healthy habits like exercising regularly, eating right, and meditating.

Final Thoughts

Attracting positive energy is vital in your life because it enables you to attain all of your goals, and it also revitalizes your well-being. Having positive thoughts helps you become a better person and gain gratitude for the things around you. When you harness positivity, you radiate it to other people and influence them as well.