Tips to Stay Healthy When Outside of the Home

By Laura Michelle Powers: Celebrity Psychic, Author, and host of Healing Powers Podcast

When you are traveling, there is the potential to be exposed to more pathogens than when you are home. Since the outbreak of coronavirus is worldwide, we need to be extra aware. CDC recommends postponing nonessential travel on countries like China and Iran in particular.

Here are some travel tips that I recommend:

• Washing your hands with soap and water. You probably hear it a lot of times, but as you know, many people do not wash their hands correctly. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds or long enough as you sing “Happy Birthday” twice and make sure to include the areas like your thumb, between your fingers, and the back of your hands.

• Use hand sanitizer. If you don’t have access to soap and water, you can use hand sanitizer products that have at least 60% alcohol.

• Avoid touching your face. We all know this is very hard because sometimes you are not aware that you are touching it. The viruses could spread on your mouth, eyes, and nose so as much as possible, keep your hands away from your T-zone.

• Wiping down your tray table in planes or trains. Yes, it would not hurt if you clean it since you are still in a public space where viruses and germs can be there for a long time.

• If you feel you are getting sick, infrared sauna and blankets can help fighting illness. Infrared sauna can strengthen your immune system because it flushes out the toxins in your body through sweating. Remember that you need to drink plenty of fluids and make yourself hydrated. I also recommend using Clove essential oil in the bottom of your feet.

• Use a surgical mask only if you’re sick. Now that the demand for surgical masks is increasing due to the outbreak, it is recommended to only use a surgical mask if you’re sick so you could avoid spreading the virus from saliva and coughing. Wearing a mask without being sick will cause your hands to touch your face more often just to keep them adjusted.

Lastly, do not panic and stay calm and grounded. I find meditation helps with this. Reducing stress will strengthen your immunity so not only will you feel calmer but it will reduce the likelihood of getting sick. Studies actually show that meditation impacts gene expression that leads to illness! I recommend the free app Insight Timer for lots of free and easy meditations.

Remember the coronavirus will pass but all these tips will help you with your health and wellness even after its long gone.

Happy and safe travels!