6 Things To Consider While Selecting A Sober House For An Elderly Person

Substance abuse, drug addiction, and other problems like alcoholism are increasing in senior citizens every year. There can be many reasons why seniors turn to drug addiction. These reasons can be but are not limited to, feeling lonely and depressed, overcoming existential crises, or simply as a result of the medications they are on.

Treating drug addiction in elders is as important as treating it in the younger population and luckily, there are sober houses across the country which accommodate the elderly as much as they accommodate the young people. But of course, the selection criteria for choosing the right sober house for the elderly is different from the selection criteria for choosing a sober house for a young person.

Considering the needs of adults, here are some of the tips which can come in handy if you’re choosing a sober house for an adult:

1. Environment And The Types Of Treatments Offered

Unlike most of the younger population, senior citizens have trouble adjusting to a new place. They might not be comfortable with the environment of the sober facility or have trouble adjusting or “fitting in”.

This puts special emphasis on choosing the right type of sober house which makes the seniors feel at home and recover in a healthy and encouraging environment. Look at the types of therapies which are being offered because if the therapy offered isn’t the right fit for the elderly they might be less willing to complete the program.

Whether it’s inpatient where the senior stays at the facility or outpatient where they come for therapies during specific hours. It completely depends upon the needs and the comfort of your senior loved ones.

2. Ask The Right Questions From The Staff

Although people are very hesitant when it comes to asking the staff questions, by all means, you should go ahead. This not only puts you at ease but keeps your loved ones comfortable as well.

To be specific, ask about the number of residents they have, if the nursing staff is specialized in elderly care and what are the activities for older residents etc. The staff should be able to give you information about treatment plans. Apart from the staff, a great idea would be to the current and past residence about their experience. We also recommend you ask about their recent satisfaction survey results as well.

3. The Nearer The Better

It is generally highly beneficial to travel as far as possible from home to get treatment. But in the case of an elderly person, it is generally discouraged. The reason is that they are already very lonely and feel the need to be around people for comfort. It is recommended to look for a rehab close to home where the patient’s family can come and visit often. The frequent visits from children and grandchildren keep the recovering person motivated to go through with the program.

4. Continuum Of Care

Substance addiction and the whole recovery process can take a toll on the mental health of a person and they would need a certain level of care to continue on their journey. After the initial detox as their addiction subsides they might want to shift back home or continue treatment in the facility. Ideally, the discharge plan starts the day they are welcomed in the sober house. The entire team creates a plan for continued care whether it’s in-home or outpatient and the type of therapy and treatment that will be required further. Although patient needs and response to the recovering are still unpredictable, having a plan makes the transition from home to rehab or vice versa easier.

5. Consider The Cost

One of the factors that hold a lot of weight and can be responsible for make or break decisions when it comes to sober houses or rehab centers. Generally, rehab centers can be expensive depending upon the amenities you are adding e.g. private rooms, luxury golf, and other activities.

Sober houses usually offer a fully functional basic plan that only includes the necessities, if you are still looking for options we would suggest looking into private loan or Medicaid and Medicare, etc. Nowadays the government is offering multiple programs to fight substance abuse and encourage recovery.

6. Consider The Patient To Staff Ratio

The number of adults who are falling prey to substance abuse and drug addiction is ever increasing so it is important to consider the patient to staff ratio while choosing a sober house. The aim is to have a low patient to staff ratio which translates to the recovering person spending more time with the therapist and the caregivers. This ensures quality and personalized care. While you should ask about the patient to staff ratio but also pay attention to the interactions between caregivers, therapy staff, and patients.

Now that you have narrowed down your options according to the checklist you have created and the information provided by the sober houses. It’s time to actually visit some centers. Don’t hesitate to ask questions, as knowing what to expect paves the way for a more successful recovery.