Partial Solar Eclipse, New Moon, and Chinese Year of the Dog

This coming New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse lands right after Valentine’s Day this year! This particular eclipse falls in Aquarius and aligns with the planet Mercury so themes of love, partnership, and wellness/health will be featured. It is a great time to focus on changes you want to make and plant seeds for the future, particularly in areas related to love, partnership, and health. This eclipse is also bringing up similar themes that came up from the last round of eclipses in August and September time so thinking back on the themes that were coming up for you then can bring clarity on themes for review right now.

The new moon and eclipse happens on the eclipse on February 15 at 2 pm Mountain Time.

February is an interesting month astrologically as there is no full moon! The last time this happened was in 1999! This happens about 4 times a century. When this happens, both January and March have two full moons so the 3 month stretch between January and March is especially powerful with eclipses the unusual full moon schedule. This is a great time for manifesting and releasing that which does not serve so that you can bring in what you truly want.

This new moon is also starting the Chinese New Year – The Year of the Dog. The year of the Dog will likely feel more stable and reliable than the year of the Fire Rooster we are leaving. Rooster years often come with social unrest and big surprises.

Here are a few things you can do to shift maximize the impact of this powerful astrology:

·       Set ideas and intentions for what you want to do and create.

·       Meditate to get clarity on your direction and focus.

·       Reflect on what is working in your life and what is not.

·       Journal, create a vision board, or visualize your desires for greater impact.

·       Light a white candle and ask the angels to help support and bless your desires.

·       Stay positive and optimistic during this powerful astrological time.


How to Bring in More Love During This New Moon:

·       Treat yourself to a massage, bath, meditation, or other relaxing “me” time.

·       Visualize and feel the energy of love coming in and send it out to others you care about as well.

·       Spend time with people you love and care about.

·       Watch a movie or listen to music which create loving, joyful, and positive feelings for you.

·       Think about qualities you want in a relationship or partner and set intentions for this to manifest in your life.

Taking time to focus on your desires and plant seeds can have a huge impact on what manifests for you this year. Do take some time, even if it is only a few minutes to take advantage of this super-charged energy. I also recommend asking your angels, and any spirit guides you connect with for support, in making any beneficial changes and nurturing your desired manifestations. Then listen to spirit and watch the magic happen!